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Cat Faeries

Good behavior and robust health for the modern housecat

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Flower Essences For Cats by Cat Faeries

SUMMER SALE! We know during Summer expenses rise with costs of air conditioning and many basics. We want to help you with costs for your cats. Every size has been marked down substantially!

The future of healing is happening right now at Cat Faeries!

In the future healing with aligned quantum frequencies and octaves will be commonplace, but Cat Faeries is already doing it! Presenting our pioneering quantum physics Flower Essences for Cats. We combine frequencies from flowers, plants, gemstones, energies from the Cosmos and from deep within the Earth which are aligned to the unique frequencies of cats to correct behaviors and boost health.

With zero flavor or fragrance cats love them!

In 2015 we halted plastic seals on our bottles as part of our commitment to not adding to the plastic pollution crisis. Our shipping materials are 100% compostable.

8 bottles of Flower Essences

Cat Behavior Alliance is the best feline behavior service we know of for cats. They love and recommend us to their clients because our products work and create happy cats who are healthy, long living, and litter box using kitties!

Why Our Work With Flower Essences is Very Different from others.

Every single essence that goes into our formulas was made by Cat Faeries and is stored in our pharmacy. We would never buy essences from commercial sources, then pour them into bottles like others do! Auntie Cat Faerie does the bottling exclusively and only when everything is peaceful and calm. Her work with flowers and nature elements is done in a manner which captures and harnesses the highest and purest frequencies and vibrations.

Each formula is created at a very high level of consciousness utilizing ancient ways, modern technologies and frequencies from the Earth and Cosmos. She works in ways that others may not know of or are not qualified to do. Sadly copy-cats are out there but no one formulates for cats with our level of integrity.

Endorsed by Veterinarians, Cat Behavior Alliance, and animal shelters.

OUR CRYSTALS have the proper frequencies to work in harmony with our formulas. We will teach you to use them when you order.


" Our zero alcohol or scent essences mean that cats love them! Flavorless so your cat will enjoy them in food and drink water. FOOD: 3 to 5 drops mixed into food, twice a day. WATER: 3 - 5 drops fresh water daily. ANOINT: A few drops stoked onto to ears, the top of the head, and down the spine to the tail (we cats love the attention!). SPRAY IT: Order a mister so you can mist it around the house creating a loving vortex of vibration, the catalyst for change. Sprayers are listed at the bottom of this page. CRYSTALS A few drops on crystals transports the vibrations to cats. WRITTEN HANDOUTS with detailed instructions and insights come with your order. Learn to use more than one formula or in conjunction with Convivial House Cat.

DAPHNE'S SPECIAL NOTE: A 1oz bottle gives you about 590 drops which if can last your bottle will last about approximately 3 months. A 4oz has about 2,360 to last about 9 months. This is based on using 3 drops twice per day.

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Best Seller

Multi Cat Household Harmony, The Flower Essence Formula for Cats

"We are very happy feline friends!"

1 fl oz

  • Make friends!
  • Feel that wonderful family bond
  • Bond with other cats
  • Bond and accept dogs and other animals
  • Bond and accept new babies
  • Bond and accept new spouses or housemates
  • Integration of other cats in the home.
  • Helps with hierarchy changes
  • Personal Space
  • Restores peace and harmony
  • Works well with Convivial House Cat to end urine spraying and inappropriate urination

  • Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $20.78   $25.97

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    Not all cats like living with other cats, and when they don't, oh do you know it! We want your cats getting along and being friends. This formula will chill out hissy kitties and lessen feisty outbursts. Your cats will accept and tolerate all household members.

    Use with Convivial House Cat, or Calm and Serene, or Territorial Rescue, rotating.

    Comes with a dropper. If you want a mister top to spray around the house or on food/water order on the bottom of this page one. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Daphne says:
    "I may still be the queen of our castle but we 3 cats get along in perfect friendly feline harmony. You won’t see one drop of cat urine any place other than where it’s supposed to be and that’s in the litter box. Fights? Rarely. We all have our space and our peace, we are family and enjoy each other."

    Untitled Document

    4 fl. oz. Multi Cat Household Harmony, The Flower Essence Formula For Cats - Economy size

    Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $63.08   $78.85

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    A house with lot's of kitties may need to watch their pennies. This 4 ounce refill bottle which is priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

    Clifford says
    "You'll do well to order our behaviorenhancing crystals! They really do elevate effectiveness - my heart bursts with joy knowing that your cats are getting along!"

    Untitled Document
    Best Seller

    Territorial Rescue, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "This is the co-exist formula for cats!"

    1 fl oz

  • Halt Territorial Behaviors
  • Turf Battles
  • End fighting
  • Jealousy
  • Stop spraying to mark territory
  • End Gender Conflicts
  • Works well with Convivial House Cat to end urine spraying and inappropriate urination

  • Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $20.76   $25.95

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    All cats are territorial to a degree. But for some cats territory is everything, and they'll do whatever they must to be top cat and rule the house. Their mantra being "Everything here is mine mine mine!" Being overly territorial leads to constant battles for dominance and fighting. Often those feisty females or brutish boys will use their urine as a weapon to show who's the boss! For territorial cats when something triggers their alarm territory alarm it's time to fight and defend their turf which can lead to spraying.

    Works well with Convivial House Cat or Multi Cat Household especially if there is urinating out of the box or spraying.

    Comes with a dropper. If you want a mister top to spray around the house or on food/water order on the bottom of this page one. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Miles says:
    "When I moved in I decided that I was the boss and that everything here was MINE MINE MINE. Now I’ve learned to share, to coexist, to be equals and I’ll say this is so much better. Being territorial is exhausting! I’d much rather chase our Cat Faeries catnip toys and know that we cats are all friends."

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    4 fl. oz. Territorial Rescue - Economy Size

    Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $63.08   $78.85

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    Bargain hunting kitties will love this larger 4 ounce bottle which is priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

    Madeline says:
    "Being wound up with territorialness can't feel good to a cat! I recommend that you also order our crystals which are specifically selected to help curb the tendency for fighting and territory control!"

    Untitled Document

    Calm and Serene, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "My cat is cool as a cumcumber!"

    1 fl oz

  • Feel Calm and secure
  • Relief for: Fear. Anger. Anxiety
  • Loud Noises. Disruptions to routines.
  • Confusion. Nervousness
  • Trips to the vet or car rides
  • Visitors in the house
  • Severe weather noises
  • Helps a cat not overreact to their humans emotions
  • Works well with other flower essence formulas like DNA Support, Limbic System Re-Wire, and Convivial House Cat

  • Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $20.76   $25.95

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    Easily de-stress your modern house cat quickly, safely, gently, and effectively. Perfect for jittery kitties, fraidy cats, and cats who jump at the slightest bump in the night or other commotion. Great for trips to the vet. A calm cat has a life extension effects!

    Comes with a dropper. If you want a mister top to spray around the house or on food/water order on the bottom of this page one. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    I love your flower essences so much! The changes for the better in my cats are dramatic. Thank you Cat Faeries for creating such amazing, easy to use, and safe products for my cats.

    Kaylene in Omaha

    Clifford says:
    "Everything used to scare me! I was not used to being in a house with furniture and busy people. I was nervous, apprehensive, afraid, and very shy. I now know there is nothing to fear or worry about. A trip to the vet – a piece of cake. Visitors? Bring them on! Being free of stress and anxiety feels so good. This is like Kitty Yoga In A Bottle! ommmmmm"

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    4 fl. oz. Calm and Serene - Economy size

    Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $63.08   $78.85

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    Keep those feline nerves steady with this economy size priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! Comes with a dropper.

    Madeline says:
    "I'm known as Mellow Madeline because not very much phases me! Feed me, pet me, kiss me, give me a soft Cat Faerie bed, and surround me with crystals and I'm a happy mellow girl!"

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    I Love My Litter Box, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats - Comes With a Mister

    "Fear not the box sensitive kitty!"

    1 fl oz

  • Stop litter box avoidance
  • Stop litter box aversion
  • Ease nervousness in the litter box
  • No more fear of the litter box
  • Promotes litter box satisfaction
  • Promotes good litter box habits
  • Do your business in the box, not on the bed!
  • Works well with Convivial House Cat to end urine spraying and inappropriate urination

  • Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $21.56   $26.95

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    This formula comes with a sprayer because it is meant to be used on and around the litter box, as well as in the cat's food and water.

    Most cats who stop using their litter box are experiencing some sort of "litter box aversion" and here are some of the causes:

  • * The litter box isn't clean and free of clumps of urine and feces
  • * The location is not private or it’s in a loud location
  • * Box isn't big enough for the cat move and turn around
  • * Cats need to move around to select a nice spot to dig and bury
  • * A hood traps the cat due only one way in, and only one way out
  • * The cat may be chased out or harassed by another cat
  • * Bladder or urinary tract infection associates the litter box with pain
  • * Cats do not like chemical fragrances, only use fragrance free
  • * Declawed cats feel pain, the litter can irritate & they seek soft surfaces

  • Nico stopped using the litter box as a result of an infection, even after it cleared up. For two months I tried everything with no success. She was always a lap cat and didn't jump onto my lap anymore either. Within 5 days of using I Love My Litter Box, she let me cuddle her again. Within 9 days, she started peeing in the box intermittently. Within 15 days, she peed in the box all the time. After 35 days, she is using the box all the time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Janine and Nico the cat

    Tasha says:
    "A lot of people tell us that their cats seem to have have an aversion to the litter box. This can happen for many reasons and this formula addresses all of them. Making friends with the litter box will make your cat happier and will put YOU back in control of your home!"

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    4 fl. oz. I Love My Litter Box - Economy size

    Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $63.88   $79.85

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    Good kitties will love this larger 4 ounce bottle which is priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

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    From Bully to Buddy, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "Change your cat from fierce to friendly!"

    1 fl oz

  • Calm Aggressive Bullying
  • Transforms both male and female bullies
  • Make friends with compassion
  • End feeling threatened by other cats
  • Stop fighting, stalking, and chasing
  • Tame urges to torment
  • Realize others are not a threat, open a wounded heart
  • Restore peace and harmony
  • Works well with Territorial Rescue, Multi Cat Household and Convivial House Cat

  • Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $20.76   $25.95

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    With compassion towards the bully and an understanding of what it must feel like inside to have the need to bully and pick on others, we’ve sensitively and professionally crafted this formula.

    NOTE: if the bullying came on suddenly and it’s directed at an older cat please take that cat to vet for a check up. Very often healthy animals will turn on an older sick animal. It’s that ancient survival of the fittest thing which is so unnecessary in our modern times with great health care and good doctors. Sometimes the aggression against one cat is an early sign that something is wrong health wise.

    Comes with a dropper. But if you'd like a mister top to spray this formula on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Miles says:
    "I was a rambunctious youngster who loved nothing better than bugging the two kitty girls in our house. They hated it but I thought it was good fun to chase them and hear them hiss! Now I’m no longer a bully, and I actually like this better because being a dignified buddy is easier than being a scary bully!"

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    4 fl. oz. From Bully to Buddy - Economy size

    Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $63.08   $78.85

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    Cats who share will want this larger 4 ounce bottle which is priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

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    Best Seller

    Kidney Kitty, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "For healthy functioning youthful kidneys!"

    1 fl oz

  • Support the Kidneys at Any Stage of Aging
  • Slow Renal Failure
  • Bladder Support
  • A Cat is Never Too Young for Kidney Support
  • Works well with Elder Support to address other aspects of aging

  • Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $20.76   $25.95

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    We are very proud of this formula. Our own cats get it every day starting when they are young because it’s a great preventative measure. We’ve had cats live to be 20 to 22 and we feel Kidney Kitty was a big part of their longevity because it keeps their kidneys and bladders working well. This formula probably won't cure existing renal failure, but customers tell us that their cats really improve. Cats start to eat again, they become more active, their test results improve. We've heard of cats living much longer than projected. Other customers tell us that when they run out of Kidney Kitty that their cats seem to lose energy, but when they re-order their cats perk back up. Kidneys are rather unforgiving when our habits and actions compromise or hurt them. The liver can forgive and forget if changes are made but those kidneys are not so kind! Kidneys respond best to prevention but if decline is detected start immediately with corrections to diet and treatment to slow down the progression.

    This formula supports the entire Kidney Meridian, a system Traditional Chinese Medicine also called TCM) the urinary tract and the bladder including that it can cool a bladder that's prone to Interstitial Cystitis! And let us tell you, an inflamed bladder feels like its on fire and this can lead to a cat not wanting to urinate in the litter box because they associate the box with pain. You may have had this disorder yourself or know of someone who has it, interestingly its not just people who get IC, but cats and other animals can too. Interstitial Cystitis is when symptoms seem to indicate a "bladder infection" and when tests show there's no bacteria or crystals present in urine this tells us that its not an infection, but it's Interstitial Cystitis. This condition is caused by defects in the lining of the bladder which is an autoimmune disease. Stress and certain foods will trigger an episode and cause irritation and pain. As for cat food, do not buy cat food with cranberries. Cranberries are very acidic and can irritate an inflammation prone bladder. Cats of any age could really benefit from a few drops in the water bowl every day as prevention. Keep Calm and Catnip On!

    Comes with a dropper. If you want a mister top to spray around the house or on food/water order on the bottom of this page one. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Comes with a dropper. But if you'd like a mister top to spray this formula on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    WHY DOES MY CAT PACE AND YOWL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? This is quite fascinating. The kidneys and ears are on the same Meridian according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. As the kidneys begin to shrink with age and not function as well as before a cat can begin to lose hearing. With the hearing loss the cat's world is turned upside down. Hearing is important to all beings in particular a carnivore who relies upon every sense to hunt and live - even a house cat. The vocalization or yowling that you are hearing is an attempt to "echo/locate" in order to navigate the home and objects in the home, as well as to be self soothing for the cat. The pacing and yowling allows the to hear his/her own voice and might echo off objects and give the cat a sense of normalcy. It seems to worsen at night when the kidneys and other organs go through their time to cleanse and renew. When we formulated this essence the Kidney Meridian and it's function were a major consideration for the essences we selected.

    Daphne says:
    "The original six cats who lived here before us lived to be 18 to 22 years old before they crossed the bridge. Kidney malfunction didn’t happen until they were very old. This legendary formula went into their water bowl when they were very young just as it goes into ours now. Prevention my friend is vital! If your cats are already having problems, it’s never too late!"

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    4 fl. oz. Kidney Kitty - Economy size

    Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $63.08   $78.85

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    Kitties who need this for the long haul will love this larger 4 ounce bottle which is priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

    Miles says
    "When you order either size of Kidney Kitty you should also order crystals! When placed near your cat with drops of this special formula they help the body and kidneys function and enhance other body parts!"

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    Elder Support, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "Leap like a kitten again! Old cats, new tricks!"

    1 fl oz

  • Brain, Mentation
  • Dementia and Cognitive Support
  • Body Mobility
  • Joints, tendons, ligaments
  • Thyroid Balance
  • Slow Aging
  • Works well with Kidney Kitty for kidney support

  • $20.76   $25.95

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    As cats age things don't work or feel quite like they used to. A cat's Thyroid can speed up, years of cat food loaded with carbs might lead to Diabetes or spikes in blood sugar, and a cat's mentation and cognitive skills might be slipping. And then there are the new aches and pains and loss of flexibility. A cat can feel sluggish and tire easily. You might notice that it takes longer for the cat to recover from minor traumas or illness. There's nothing worse than feeling old, creaky and slow - no wonder elders of any species are often crabby!

    People report rather amazing improvements, some of them are that their cat spent less time on the heating pad, they became social again, appetites returned, they were more playful and active. One person recently said that there was an almost magical spring to the cat's walk! Even cats who are not considered elders brightened up!

    Crystals really do support a cat's kidneys and aging process. Our customers love them for the great results they are seeing! Our crystal add-on helps correct bad behaviors and boosts health. Keep strong kitty and catnip on!

    Comes with a dropper. But if you'd like a mister top to spray this formula on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Madeline says:
    "As the oldest of our feline family I want to remain nimble and quick! I don’t want a yucky special diet or to be poked with needles. I want to feel forever a kitten. This formula will keep me feeling youthful as I age gracefully."

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    4 fl. oz. Elder Support - Economy size

    $63.08   $78.85

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    Young at heart Cats will love this larger 4 ounce bottle which is priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

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    Limbic System Re-Wire, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    " Banish the past and make way for beautiful new memories!"

    1 fl oz

  • Re-wire and Reprogram the Memory Center of the Brain
  • Replace Old Memories with New Good Ones
  • Correct Unpleasant Behaviors Caused by Past Memories and Experiences
  • Works well with DNA Support

  • $20.76   $25.95

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    The Limbic System of the brain is where our memories are stored. Many cats and humans have “mal adapted” Limbic Systems with crossed wiring which causes them to be stuck in trauma loops where they replay past events over and over, triggered by harmless new events. This causes all sorts of behaviors and illnesses which are unpleasant and upsetting the cat, and certainly for you as the loving guardian. Inspired by the work of Annie Hopper this formula changes the wiring of the Limbic system. It can replace old memories and old patterns with new memories thus halting those old reactions/bad behaviors. While we cannot verbally tell a cat to “flood your eyes and mind with beauty, love, positive thoughts and replace those old memories with new beautiful memories” we can accomplish it by using this formula, based mainly in vintage roses, to re-wire the electrical circuits of the brain’s Limbic System and free the cat from trauma loops that the brain is holding on to.

    Good for fraidy cats, bullies, spraying and urinating out of the box and more.

    Works well with DNA Support.

    Comes with a dropper. But if you'd like a mister top to spray this formula on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

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    4 fl. oz. Limbic System Re-Wire - Economy size

    $63.08   $78.85

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    Happy cats will love this larger 4 ounce bottle which is priced to give you a free1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

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    DNA Support, A Flower Essence Formula For Cats

    " Enjoy freedom from imperfect DNA!"

    1 fl oz

  • Important for Any Serious Illness
  • Healthy Cellular Division
  • Cellular Cleansing and Renewal
  • Ease the SNPs in DNA for predisposed health conditions
  • Supports Ideal Telomere Length
  • Works well with Limbic System Re-Wire

  • Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $20.76   $25.95

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    We all have little kinks in our DNA inherited from our ancestors. Especially if a kitten was born in a less than ideal situation, like being born to a feral mother or any time there were generations of cats living in difficult situations. The scientific name for these kinds are SNPs (see the definition below) which can imprint patterns of personality (both positive and negative) and of disease. But, the good news is that nothing is carved in stone and just because there’s are a few SNPs in the DNA it doesn’t mean that your cat (or you!) will manifest a particular tendency or illness. With help from this flower essence formula we will endeavor to correct and reprogram those SNPs. It also helps to be happy with stresses kept to a minimum in a peaceful home. A clean diet is mandatory as is clean water. Everyone needs to keep their toxic load (exposures to chemicals) down to a bare minimum. All these interventions plus our DNA Support can help stop the dividing and copying of the bad copies of genes that your cat may have inherited. This formula also helps to keep ones Telomeres from shortening with age.

    If Telomeres is a new word for you let us explain. Telomeres (say it, Tee-Low-Mirrors) are the ends of DNA strands which look a bit like the ends of a shoe lace. They should have an ideal length to prevent disease. But with aging and environmental toxins, plus a stressful life they can shrink and this leads leads to disease. We highly recommend Elizabeth Blackburn’s book The Telomere Effect. Humans and all animals have Telomeres because we all have DNA and we can help keep everyone's Telomeres at the proper length throughout the aging process.

    We like to use this formula daily for cats of any age along with Kidney Kitty, Elder Support, and/or Calm and Serene.

    23andMe describes SNPs as this: “SNPs are copying errors. To make new cells, an existing cell divides in two. But first it copies its DNA so the new cells will each have a complete set of genetic instructions. Cells sometimes make mistakes during the copying process - kind of like typos. These typos lead to variations in the DNA sequence at particular locations, called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced "snips").” To which Cat Faeries adds they can also be handed down from parent to child, and cat to kitten.

    This formula is suitable for people and animals.

    Dosing for people: take flower essence every 15 minutes or until effect is felt.
    Dosing for animals – follow the instructions on the handout.

    Comes with a dropper. But if you'd like a mister top to spray this formula on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Carolann tells us about her formerly feral cat: "Hi! I’ve been using the DNA formula with Henri’ and it’s going well. He’s not screaming for food all day - just once in a while. He is also less food motivated. Thank you!"

    Tasha says:
    Nearly every cat can benefit from having their DNA supported! This formula compliments Kidney Kitty and Elder Support working as a great team for ideal feline health, happiness and longevity. It's good to change DNA kinks for the better!

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    4 fl. oz. DNA Support - Economy size

    $63.08   $78.85

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    Kitties who are saving up for new cat toys will love this larger 4 ounce bottle which is priced to give you a free 1/2 ounce! This size comes with a dropper.

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    Emotional Sunshine, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "Have a bright sunshiny day!"

    1 fl oz

  • Banish Depression
  • Sadness. Despair. Not engaging.
  • Lack of grooming. Poor appetite.
  • Moping and Lethargy. Suddenly not playful.
  • Liquid Happiness!
  • Works well with Limbic System Re-Wire, DNA Support, Elder Support

  • $20.76   $25.95

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    Just like people a cat can feel the blues and get depressed. While their emotions and responses are different from ours they are still affected by many factors which can lead to depression or mood changes

    Many of our customers alternate Emotional Sunshine with Calm and Serene. They also find that spending more loving time with the cat helps too! The extra attention works wonders on cats (and people!). During times of heightened depression or emotions that feel "off" we find that using the crystal Amethyst really helps - email us.

    Priced for a bottle with a dropper. But some people prefer a mister top so they would be able to spray this formula around the house and on objects. You could also spray it on food or in the water bowl. If you would like a mister top instead of the dropper you can order one for just $1.

    Madeline says:
    "I had been in a home in Northern California and the man of the house kicked me in the head so hard that it caused my ear drum to burst. The lady next door rescued me and took me to a no kill shelter. Pain and fear were so horrible that I sunk into a serious depression for the 3 years I was there until I was adopted by Auntie Cat Faerie and Mr. Cat Faerie. I sure wish I had this back at the shelter – it would have brightened up my heart and the hearts of the other cats."

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    Play In Harmony Flower, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats - Comes With Mister Top

    "I CAN play well with others!"

    1 fl oz

  • Play Well With Others
  • Stop Aggressive Fighting When Playing
  • Stop Being Territorial About Toys
  • Prevent Over Stimulation From Playing
  • Personal Space
  • Be a Better Friend
  • Works well with Convivial House Cat, Territorial Rescue, Multi Cat Household

  • $21.56   $26.95

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    Do you have a cat who’s report card says “Doesn’t Play Well With Others” Have you witnessed one cat or two being overly aggressive at play time to the point where your other cats don’t want to play anymore? If yes, you are not alone! All your cats deserve play time, so we came to their rescue!

    Many cats get very wound up at play time, possibly a holdover from when felines needed to hunt to survive with a limited amount of food so chasing away the competition was a matter of life or death. Or they are more territorial about toys than other cats. Or they simply think that they are The Center of the Universe and that no one else matters.

    This formula automatically comes with a sprayer/mister as we found it’s best to spray it in the air during play time or when you return home from work. You can also spray it in food or water.

    Miles says:
    "Clifford and I loved being The Toy Boss! But Daphne and Madeline hated it. Now we are less aggressive and I’ve learned that even if someone else plays with a toy that it’s ok, the toy knows it belongs to me!"

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    My New Home! A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "YIPPIE! I've been adopted!

    1 fl oz

  • Make new friends
  • Bond deeply with all member of the home
  • Trust builder
  • Integrate with other cats in the home
  • Acclimate quickly
  • Enjoy the excitement of a new home!
  • Works well with Multi Cat Household, Convivial House Cat, Calm and Serene

  • $20.76   $25.95

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    Did your new feline friend come from a shelter or from a situation that may not have been ideal or loving? Is your new fur friend having a hard time adapting to your home for reasons unknown? This remedy helps to build trust and confidence, it let's a cat know this is "home" and it's safe and loving, and friendly! It will help your new cat learn or re-learn how to accept love and affection. If your beloved cat was adopted from a shelter this will help your cat get over that stressful experience and acclimate to you, your home, a new routine, and new family members, including other cats and animals. It will also help your original cats to adjust to and love the new cat.

    Formulated to help any new animal adjust to a new life in your home including dogs and bunnies. Opening your heart and home to an animal of any species is a beautiful thing and we want to support you in every way to make the transition seamless and loving. You may wish to incorporate Multi Cat Household to help the process and create friendship and love between the species.

    In addition to putting it food and water spraying it around the house will speed up the process of the new cat feeling at home and comfortable in your home. It will also help the other cats adjust to their new friend.

    Comes with a dropper. This formula does well when sprayed around the house so if you'd like a mister top, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Clifford says
    "I had a really hard time adjusting to life in a loving home after life on the streets. Can you see my clipped ear, the sign of a TNR cat? When I was adopted my loving humans gave me this formula which went into my food and water, as well as on crystals that they placed near my favorite hiding place. Now I'm so at ease, and I'm known as The Big Flirt!"

    Untitled Document

    Moves and Changes, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "Change is good . . . repeat: Change is good!"

    1 fl oz

  • Moving to a New Home
  • New Furniture or Re-arranging
  • New baby or new housemates
  • Home remodeling /lir>
  • People coming and going
  • Works well with Convivial House Cat and other flower essence formulas

  • $20.76   $25.95

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    Cats are not fond of change! They don't like moving to a new house, they don't like when their house is being remodeled. They often don't like people coming to visit. Such things as a divorce or a new baby or someone new moving in can cause great stress for a cat. For some cats just moving a chair can cause their world to turn upside down. When that happens cats get nervous and hide, they can urinate where they should not, they can cry, they can stop eating. Change is a constant in our modern world so we need to help our feline friends who do not understand the kinds of changes which do not bother we humans. This formula helps soothe cats, and helps to ease the jitters which they can experience with new beginnings. Remember to always love your cat and try to understand the unique mind of the feline.

    If you are preparing to move you might spray this on the moving boxes on a daily basis up to, and after the move. This will make the boxes less threatening to your cats. Spray around the house on other objects too.

    Comes with a dropper. But if you'd like a mister top to spray this formula on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Miles says:
    "Let me tell you about moving! I was found on the streets of East Palo Alto and I’m here to say those streets were not lined in gold! I ended up in a true no-kill shelter where I was misdiagnosed with FIV and isolated for over a year. Once the error was detected I was moved again into the adoptables area. Next up – I got a forever home! My head was spinning! So much change. On top of all that I needed a major dental. But with this formula in my food every day I adapted super fast! Nothing fazes me now!"

    Untitled Document

    Home Alone Kitty, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "When my people are away I'm no longer bored!"

    1 fl oz

  • Cats feel safe and loved when you are away
  • Ease Boredom
  • Stop Abandonment fears
  • For the Anxiety, depression, anger associated with being home alone, not from past abuse
  • The cat thinks you are out hunting and could be harmed by bigger animals - allay those fears!
  • Works well with Calm and Serene

  • $20.76   $25.95

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    Your cat will feel loved, safe, and secure when you are away from home while on vacation or working long hours. When we are gone long hours or days (even with a trusted daily cat sitter) our cats worry about us. They can respond by peeing on something, vomiting, fighting with other cats, and being destructive. This remedy will have the fur kids home alone, calmly and patiently awaiting your safe return. We just can’t guarantee that they won’t be ordering mouse with catnip pesto pizzas in your absence. You might like to order a sprayer so you can spray it around the house to help your cats feel secure in the house during your absence.

    Comes with a dropper. But if you'd like a mister top to spray this formula on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order one for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Daphne says:
    "We know that many of you work long hours to bring home the catnip! We know that sometimes you like to travel and hunt for adventure leaving your cats at home, alone. We cats are social creatures and while we do sleep a lot we also get bored or nervous when we don’t have you close by. Cat sitters are great but for those hours when we are alone this formula helps us cope with missing you. We do worry about you, you know!"

    Untitled Document

    Pandora Syndrome Relief, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats

    "Emotional stability & a cool bladder are now mine!"

    1 fl oz

  • Recovery from a terrible emotional state
  • Chronic bladder infections can heal with newly acquired calm
  • Interstitial Cystitis caused by chronic and escalating fears lessen
  • A cat who with a terrified look in eyes or facial expression can relax
  • Cats can learn to accept love, kindness, and gentle touch
  • Alleviates unexplained fear of humans of any gender or age
  • Eases unexplained fears, phobias, and emotions
  • Works well with Emotional Sunshine, Limbic System Re-wire, DNA Support, Calm and Serene

    Recommended and used by Cat Behavior Alliance!

    $21.56   $26.95

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  • Has your cat been diagnosed with Pandora Syndrome or do you suspect that you cat may have it? Does your cat have a perpetual look of panic or terror in their eyes? Does this cat run and hide over absolutely nothing? Does your cat have chronic bladder infections or Interstitial Cystitis? Interstitial Cystitis is from stress to the bladder with no infection present. Both bladder conditions are extremely painful. Cats who have Pandora Syndrome live in a heightened state of chronic anxiety causing a chronic state or flight or fight. This is a miserable and heartbreaking way to live, and Cat Faeries is here to help.

    Pandora Syndrome Relief will help a cat get over events from the past which may have damaged them even if it's unknown what may have happened. Pandora Syndrome Release will help to heal emotional wounds letting them fade from memory and the nervous system. Many cats who have Pandora Syndrome were never ever abused - it's just something about them which has manifested this disorder. Our empathetic and compassionate formula allows a cat to be free of such a wound-up fearful emotional state, and to have a calm bladder, and a peaceful life.

    Pandora Syndrome Relief works well with DNA Support, Limbic System Re-wire, Convivial House Cat, and Calm and Serene.

    This formula comes with a mister/sprayer because it should be sprayed here and there around the house in addition to it being sprayed on food and water. It's vital to spread the vibration of this formula as part of what must be done to ease a cat who has Pandora Syndrome. A copy of our report on the nervous system will come with this order as will our meditation instructions which will help you change your cat's damaged nervous system.

    "The Pandora Syndrome Relief elixir was magic!!" From Cecelia a dear customer whose cat was diagnosed with Pandora Syndrome.

    Madeline says:
    "Abuse stinks! I was abused!" Jenny, who is one of our favorite customers has this to say: "Hello Auntie, the Pandora Syndrome Relief has been working great! They love it! Thank you for making this formula!"

    Untitled Document

    Forget Me Not, A Flower Essence Formula For Cats

    "Mend a broken heart and feel happy again!"

    1 fl oz

  • Bereavement Support
  • Broken Heart
  • Mourning
  • Sadness from the loss
  • Guilt
  • Loss of zest for life
  • Dear Friend, Your tears contain Melatonin, which soothes you

  • $20.76   $25.95

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    This formula is for our human friends who have lost a beloved animal friend and who are grieving, feeling guilt and who are feeling depressed. We at Cat Faeries know firsthand how debilitating it can be when an animal friend dies. We have loved and lost so many of them! We strongly recommend ordering our crystals which add comfort and elevate this formula!

    When an animal dies or a situation ends thoughts race through our minds and hearts nonstop. “Was it my fault, did I do enough? I feel so lost and empty. There’s a huge hole in my heart – can it ever mend and feel full again? I miss that little critter’s cute antics.” Tears flow. Sleep might be elusive or all you want to do is sleep. The other animals in the house seem to be mourning too. Spouse and children are down in the dumps. The mourning is so intense it feels like it will never pass.

    Mourning and grief are not limited to the loss of a furry or feathered friend. The death of a human friend, mate, colleague, also tear out of our hearts. This formula is also helpful for the loss of anything: a job, a relationship breakup, bad news of any kind.

    This formula is suitable for people and animals.

    Dosing for people: take flower essence every 15 minutes or until calm is felt.
    Dosing for animals – follow the instructions on the handout.

    Your bottle automatically comes with a dropper, but if you'd like a mister top so you can spray this formula around the house, or on objects or in your cat's food/water just look up a bit and you'll see where you can add one to your order for just $1 at the bottom of this page.

    Miles says:
    "The Rainbow Bridge. The ultimate transformation. The next journey. Whatever you call it, when an animal transitions out of their fur suit to parts unknown there’s serious pain in the hearts of those left behind – both the human heart and furry heart. Allow this formula to hold your heart, kiss it gently, and be of soothing comfort for the emotions everyone is feeling."

    Untitled Document

    Community Kinship

    "For people wishing to deepen kinship with living beings"

    2 fl. oz.
    Alcohol Free! Contains programmed crystals!

    $28.00   $35.00

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    We have created something just for you dear customer! Community Kinship is a vibrational and high frequency mist for the heart and aura of YOU. Spray it over your heart, around your head and aura. Spray it around your home to benefit all who dwell there including your animal friends. Expand your relationships with human and non human living kinds. Create joyful community in your home and carry that where ever you go. Heal, flourish, reclaim, and live fully with gentle euphoria and an open heart. Spray this essence around your head, heart, and throughout your home. A positive daily ritual to create shifts for all living beings. This mist is especially beneficial for you while you are working with Convivial House Cat or any of our flower essences for cats. We have added a touch of organic Bulgarian White Rose water and Bulgarian Pink Rose water to elevate your experience. It's a faint kiss of rose and is not over powering! Our hearts respond very favorably to roses.
      2 fl oz sprayer bottle which contains crystals

    • Kinship is much more than family bonds with blood relations
    • Expand feelings of family to non humans
    • Understand differing viewpoints and behaviors
    • Paradigm shift for human relationships with non human beings
    • Human relationships with wild life, water, the cosmos, all living kinds
    • Elevate your frequency
    • Heart expansiveness
    • Integration of all species in the home.
    • Being one with all life forms, Earth and the Cosmos
    • Enjoy the benefits of gentle euphoria and elation
    • Expand love, compassion and view of the world around us
    • Automatically resolve past trauma
    • Move past anxiety, depression and feel inner calm
    • Bloom and blossom in your home, heart, and community
    • When you use this on yourself while giving any of our flower essences for cats and Convivial House Cat to your cats amazing shifts will occur for everyone!

    Before you spray it give the bottle a gentle like a Shaman’s rattle and listen to the tinkle of the crystals which helps you to set your intentions and to activate your mind & heart to receive these medicines.

    Contains structured water imprinted with specific frequencies, octaves and vibrations using quantum physics. Crystals: Tangerine Quartz, Smokey Quartz & Assorted Quartz which were carefully programmed to assist you in deepening your kinship. When the bottle is empty shake the crystals out and add them to your collection.

    Expand human-non-human relations in your home, in your heart and in your community.

    Clifford says:
    A beautiful way to begin or end a day to transform yourself and the residents in your home so all may feel deep kinship, understanding, and kindness towards all beings. It is soothing while reducing stresses, anxiety, and effects of trauma or a difficult past with a gentle euphoria."

    Untitled Document

    (a set of 2) Kidney Kitty and Elder Support

    "Defy aging, you are fabulous at any age!

    Each bottle is 1 fl. oz.
    To support a very long life.

    $41.52   $51.90

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    Comes with droppers. Some people prefer mister tops so they would be able to spray this formula around the house and on objects or on food and in water. To order for just $1 go to the bottom of this page. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Tasha says:
    "This duo works in perfect harmony and they will keep your cats frisky and feeling kittenish through the years!"

    Untitled Document

    (a set of 2) Limbic System Re-Wire and and DNA Support

    "The 'gene genie' is here to help re-boot and reset!"

    Each bottle is 1 fl. oz.

    $41.52   $51.90

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    The perfect duo to correct deep seated emotional or physical conditions and disorders particularly for any formerly abused cat or any cat born feral or in less than ideal situations.

    Priced for bottles with a dropper in each. But some people prefer a mister top so they would be able to spray this formula around the house and on objects. You could also spray it on food or in the water bowl. If you would like mister tops instead of the droppers you can order one for just $1 each at the bottom of this page.

    Madeline says:
    "Kitty no longer needs to be bound by past bad memories or what may be not so great genetics!"

    Untitled Document
    Best Seller

    (a set of 3) I Love My Litter Box (comes w/a mister top) and Multi Cat Household and Territorial Rescue

    "Reclaim your home from feisty felines!"

    1 fl oz

  • Stop Litter Box Avoidance
  • Stop Litter Box Aversion or Fear
  • Do Your Business in the Box, Not on the Bed!
  • Works well with Convivial House Cat to end urine spraying and inappropriate urination

  • $60.68   $75.85

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    Your bottles are priced to come with a dropper, but if you'd rather have mister tops so you can spray these formulas around the house, or on objects or in your cat's food/water scroll to the bottom of the list of formulas for cats and you'll see where you can order as many misters as you like, for just $1 each.

    Daphne says:
    "Don’t you want a house full of friendly litter box using cats? Of course you do!"

    Untitled Document
    Best Seller

    (a set of 3) Multi Cat Household, Territorial Rescue, and Calm and Serene

    It's like charm school for a happy home with cats!"

    Each bottle is 1 fl oz
    This is the perfect combination for a peaceful household

    $62.28   $77.85

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    Bottles come with droppers. But if you'd like a mister tops to spray on food and water, or on objects around the house, go to the bottom of this page and order as many as you need for just $1. Fits our 1oz bottles.

    Clifford says:
    "A peaceful home is a healthy happy place and a place where all can live well. Visitors will remark that YOUR cats are perfect cats!"

    Untitled Document

    These misters/sprayers ONLY fit a 1 oz bottle - they do not fit the 4 ounce bottles. Misters for 4oz bottles are sold separately. We offer a mister separately because some people like to spray flower essences and other customers don't.

    These misters/sprayers ONLY fit a 4 oz bottle - they do not fit the 1 oz bottles. We offer a mister separately because some people like to spray flower essences and other customers don't. Please use COMMENTS to give us any necessary details.

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    Crystals selected to support health and behavior with frequencies that match our products!

    "Old rocks - new tricks! Ancient stones for modern house cats!"


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    Quartz crystals have been proven by scientists and mystics alike that they have the energies to increase the effectiveness of vibrational medicines such as our Convivial House Cat and our Flower Essence Formulas For Cats. When you place a few drops of the selected product to the stone the frequencies of the crystals and of the chosen product work together in perfect harmony and channel this to the cat.

    You will receive our very detailed instructions on how to work with them

    Our crystals go well with Convivial House Cat, Multi Cat Household, Territorial Rescue, Calm and Serene, My New Home, I Love My Litter Box, DNA Support, From Bully to Buddy, Elder Support, Kidney Kitty, Limbic System Re-wire, Emotional Sunshine, Home Alone Kitty, Moves and Changes, Pandora Syndrome Relief


    A QUARTZ POINT measuring 2 or slightly over 2 inches in length and are adorably chubby. These are graded AAA quality, which is the best there is. There's a balanced neutrality in quartz crystals which make them Master Healers and highly programmable. Such master healers love to help and they are ready to be called upon by to program with your intentions, wishes, and needs. Look closely at your new stone and you'll see their coloration is balanced in male/female energies: the milky part represents the feminine and the water clear represents the masculine. You may see a rainbow, you may see "frost" or you may see a little cutie pie crystal piggy backing, and could see even see the marks of a record keeper - each is unique!

    Clear quartz can be used for absolutely any purpose that you can imagine. They amplify healing, cleansing, clearing, and changing. They assist in mentation, memory, and transformation at the deepest and highest levels. They love to work in harmony with all other crystals and gem stones.

    One of the gifts of quartz is that it can absorb, store, release and regulate energy – how’s that for amazing job description! Our Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. They balance and revitalize the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. They have the ability to cleanse and enhance body systems and also be a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. Our Quartz aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Imagine these wonderful gifts for your cats and yourself!

    A QUARTZ "SHARD" or "SHEET" This interesting quartz crystal formation is a mostly clear flat section which was found between two crystals thus holding the energies of two distinct quartz specimens. Metaphysically it can be used as a “mirror” which mimics its flat shape to reflect away any negative states, conditions, or behaviors and also, to direct desired states, conditions, or behaviors which makes them ideal for applies drops of Convivial House Cat or flower essences. They are also considered to be “self-healed crystals” meaning that the shard/sheet was severed from its original cluster group, then at some later time in its ancient history the conditions were correct for it to continue to grow new a crystal structure over the area where the crystal separated from its original host – in other words, the shard healed its own wounds! It is believed that this crystal will aid in any type of self-healing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual condition. Self-healed crystals are exceptionally supportive for those with chronic or complex health conditions, past emotional disturbances, traumas, and other challenging or misunderstood afflictions.

    Our paper handouts will teach you how to clear, clean, and program crystals which will amplify them for transformation at the deepest and highest level. We will even give you suggestions for phrases to use when you place drops of our products on your crystals which customers find to be helpful.

    Tasha says:
    "We love and understand cats, and we love and understand crystals We have crystals which are of benefit and service to you and your cats. When you order them you'll get our handouts which teach you everything you need to know about using crystals for great results with our products such as Convivial House Cat and all of our Flower Essence Formulas for Cats. Our crystals increase the effectiveness of Cat Faeries unique formulations!"

    There are no returns on flower essences.

    Cat Faeries flower essences are absolutely not meant to interfere with or replace the advice or treatment of your veterinarian or doctor. Keep out of reach of children.


    If you have questions which you would like to see answered here please write to us. We want to provide everyone with knowledge and information!

    Every bit of Cat Faeries text is original. It was written by our behaviorist and it is based upon our years of experience with every item we have carefully selected just for you. All of our text and photos are copyright protected. If you should be foolish and dare to copy it, you will be sent immediately to the pound, and hunted down by our legal team who will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Our intellectual property lawyer was a pitbull in a past life.
    Copyright © 1993 - 2024, Cat Faeries™