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Home / Flower Essences For Cats

I Love My Litter Box, A Flower Essence Formula for Cats - Comes With a Mister

"Fear not the box sensitive kitty!"


1 fl oz

  • Stop litter box avoidance
  • Stop litter box aversion
  • Ease nervousness in the litter box
  • No more fear of the litter box
  • Promotes litter box satisfaction
  • Promotes good litter box habits
  • Do your business in the box, not on the bed!
  • Works well with Convivial House Cat to end urine spraying and inappropriate urination

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    Retail Value:

    $21.56   $26.95

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    This formula comes with a sprayer because it is meant to be used on and around the litter box, as well as in the cat's food and water.

    Most cats who stop using their litter box are experiencing some sort of "litter box aversion" and here are some of the causes:

  • * The litter box isn't clean and free of clumps of urine and feces
  • * The location is not private or it’s in a loud location
  • * Box isn't big enough for the cat move and turn around
  • * Cats need to move around to select a nice spot to dig and bury
  • * A hood traps the cat due only one way in, and only one way out
  • * The cat may be chased out or harassed by another cat
  • * Bladder or urinary tract infection associates the litter box with pain
  • * Cats do not like chemical fragrances, only use fragrance free
  • * Declawed cats feel pain, the litter can irritate & they seek soft surfaces

  • Nico stopped using the litter box as a result of an infection, even after it cleared up. For two months I tried everything with no success. She was always a lap cat and didn't jump onto my lap anymore either. Within 5 days of using I Love My Litter Box, she let me cuddle her again. Within 9 days, she started peeing in the box intermittently. Within 15 days, she peed in the box all the time. After 35 days, she is using the box all the time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Janine and Nico the cat

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